- The actuator with sealing ring will placed in a closed chamber. On the cover, a linear measurement system is placed. After closing, inside a relative pressure will given. Be-cause of the pressure the cover is deforming. Two deformations will be measured: ? total deformation direct after applying the pressure ? after some seconds. The delta deformation has to be less than a calculated value. This value is different for each actuator in dependence of deformation, inside volume, admissible leakage re-sistance and pressure. If the test is not passed, the source of the leak will be tried to trace. For this purpose a hole will be drilled into the actuator. Via this hole pressure will be given into actuator and in a water basin bubble indicate the position of leak. Requirements: Leakage resistance >4.2E9 Pas/m3 Criterion: Delta deformation less than xx μm (tbd for each actuator) after 5 s under 0.5 bar pres-sure Test setup: See figure below